Living with a CockatielForfatter: Neil A. Forbes Målform: Engelsk Forlag: Interpet Publishing Antall sider: 128 Pris: 195 kr. ISBN: 9781860542640 The cockatiel is one of the most popular of all pet birds, with a well-deserved reputation for being easy to care for and fun to own. Cockatiels are small, they come in lots of different colours, and they love being with people, so it is no surprise that they have a worldwide fan club. In this book you can find out about cockatiels in their native home, the different colours and varieties that have been developed, as well as tailor-made advice on diet, care and training. Best of all, owners tell their own funny and heart-warming stories of what life is really like when you live with a cockatiel. Lavishly illustrated, this book is a 'must have' for every cockatiel owner. På kan du lese mer og bestille! På kan du lese mer og bestille! På kan du lese mer og bestille!