Forfatter: - Målform: Engelsk Forlag: Interpet Publishing Antall sider: 128 Pris: 195 kr. ISBN: 9781842861073
Sometimes you need a snappy tip to solve a problem or give you an idea for trying something new. This book is full of snappy tips - 500 of them! These are presented in logical sections that cover a wide range of practical topics that include buying fish, setting up an aquarium, filtration and water quality, lighting, feeding and regular maintenance - in fact, all aspects of becoming a successful tropical freshwater fishkeeper. The book also features a selection of the best fish available for your community aquarium, along with ideas for a variety of species tanks featuring fish that are just a little 'special'. The emphasis throughout is on providing valuable guidance in 'bite-sized' chunks, with bullet-point text and clear photos and graphics. The accumulated experience of many expert fishkeepers has been condensed into this compact volume. It will very quickly become an indispensable aid for countless aspiring - and even accomplished - hobbyists around the world.